IV Therapy

our body fluid composition

Fluids and Electrolytes: 
(A Subtopic in our IV Theraphy Course)

Fluid Compartments: For adult weight, body fluids is 60%.  For infants, it is 80%. Minor changes can be critical to the patient.

1. Intracellular - Largest compartment; hold 40% of a person's body weight.  Intracellular area contains 25 liters of fluid.

2.  Extracellular - has three compartments that holds 15 liters:
a.Plasma - intravascular compartment within the arteries and veins.  Makes up 5-7% of the total body weight. Total of 5 liters of fluid contained in the intravacular area.
b. Interstitial Fluid - spaces between the cells. Makes up approximately 15% of the total body weight.
c. Lymphatic system - makes up approximately 2-5% total body weight. 

Percentage of water in the Body

 Adipose - depending on the amount of fat in a person's body, the fat tissue should be essentially water free. The leaner the body, the MORE water the body contains.

Adult male - water makes 60% of the body weight in an adult male.

 Adult female - 54% of the body weight in a female.

Newborn - 70-80% total body weight in an infant.  Until the infant is 12 months old, the baby will then have highest percentage of body water. 

Percentage of water in the Body

 Adipose - depending on the amount of fat in a person's body, the fat tissue should be essentially water free. The leaner the body, the MORE water the body contains.

Adult male - water makes 60% of the body weight in an adult male.

 Adult female - 54% of the body weight in a female.

Newborn - 70-80% total body weight in an infant.  Until the infant is 12 months old, the baby will then have highest percentage of body water.

Water Loss
Insensible Loss  - water loss that we  are usually unaware of. It is due to transepidermal diffusion: water that passes through the skin and is lost by evaporation, and evaporative water loss from the respiratory tract.
Sensible Loss -  the person is aware of such as through wound drainage, GI tract losses and urination.

Fluid Gain
The intake of fluid into our system

To know more about fluids and IV Theraphy, register to our classes NOW!!! We give out 10% discount on the course prices.