Saturday, June 11, 2011

June: The month to think of His health

June is Men's Health Month. The month to remember that men has become more susceptible to diseases due to work exposure, unhealthy lifestyle, and vices. Men are deemed to be the stronger sex. This article is not to argue whether it is true or not. This article wants to revisit on the facts on men's health and how we could promote men's well-being. We love men, as much as we care for our father, brothers, uncle, husband, partners, etc. 
       According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in the year 2006, the leading cause of death of men from all ages is Heart Disease ( 26.3% of American men die of Heart Diseases. 
     Heart disease is an umbrella term that is referring to different kinds of diseases affecting the heart. Different kinds of heart diseases are Coronary Heart Disease, Cardiomyopathy, Ischaematic Heart Failure, Hypertensive Heart Disease, Valvular Heart Disease and Inflammatory Heart Disease. 
    Heart Diseases are typically acquired through unhealthy lifestyle. For men whom disease has surfaced later in their lifetime, health situation could be attributed to how they have lived their younger age. Men who are obese (which is attributed to unhealthy and excessive eating or sedentary lifestyle) are high risk to have Heart Disease as a reason of death. The strong relationship of obesity and heart disease suggest that the more overweight a person is, the more likely he is to develop heart disease. It is when the accumulation of low-density lipoproteins LDL (bad cholesterol) to the inner surface of the arteries result in a stain or spot plaque. These blot leads to an increased thickness of the artery, and intransigence, and less flexibility, leading to inefficiency in the blood stream and thus cause coronary heart disease.
     Men who smoke is also high-risk in developing heart diseases. Smoking increases blood pressure, decreases exercise tolerance and increases the tendency for blood to clot. ( Not only that it has immediate effect to the blood pressure, smoking also decreases HDL (good) cholesterol. 
     Heart Diseases often surface in later years. Since most of its contributing factors are accumulative. The younger we are, the better we should be conscious to prevent such range of diseases. Love our men. Suggest to take care of their heart, as much as we Heart them.

Save them. Learn CPR. 


  1. Promote men health lifestyle....

  2. let us promote health as we love them. I believe it is one of the ways to keep them in our lives :D
